Frequently Asked Questions
What is the Maine Farm and Sea to School Institute?
The Maine Farm and Sea to School Institute helps teams work together to create a culture of equity and wellness, improve food access, increase student leadership, and strengthen local food systems. The Institute brings school teams together for an Academy Program where they build relationships, skills, and a collaborative action plan for Farm and Sea to School (FSTS) programming. Team members leave ready and able to support one another, to implement the action plan and learning school-wide, and to build shared leadership and capacity for the long haul. With the support of a coach, teams spend the next year putting their plans into action and connecting the “3 C’s” of Farm to School: Classroom, Cafeteria and Community. A professional learning community supports individual team members with their unique role and helps them integrate the FSTS action plan.
Who participates in the Institute?
This opportunity is open to Maine K-12 schools and early childhood education (ECE) centers.
Teams are welcome to apply as a single school or school district. Individuals cannot apply. The Institute is designed to support programs in either the early stages of development or in taking their programming to the next level.
This Institute aims to include student leadership in FSTS program development. For district teams, middle/high school student team members are encouraged.
Who should be on a school team and how do we select people to serve on our team?
Farm and Sea to School efforts are most successful and long-lasting when teams take the time to build buy-in from a diverse set of stakeholders. These stakeholders can include:
Nutrition/food service staff
Family members
Community partners
It is necessary for teams to receive support and commitment from School Nutrition Directors and Administration in particular.
A maximum of 6 members (typically 4-6) are required to attend the 3-day in-person Institute Acadamy, but a full team can be larger during the school year.
Consider inviting people who are already FSTS champions as well as key decision-makers and implementers who have yet to become involved but could provide valuable insights or connections when it comes time to implement your action plan. Your school may already have a group that has been working on FSTS or wellness, or there might be a committee that has worked on these efforts in the past but possibly needs a “refresh” with some new planning and new team members.
The Institute emphasizes the importance of student leadership in the development of Farm & Sea to School (FSTS) programs. MFSN encourages the inclusion of middle and high school student team members for district wide teams.
What will take place during the 3-day Institute Academy?
Accepted teams come together in July for a three-day immersive experience at the Institute’s kick-off event: The Academy.
Attendance is required for selected teams.
The Academy takes place at The Ecology School in Saco, Maine. During The Academy, participants will take part in educational and teambuilding activities, dive deep into the “3 Cs” of Farm to School programming (cafeteria, classroom, community), and discover the opportunities and resources in Maine, develop a vision for their FSTS program, develop an action plan to implement that vision, network with other FSTS champions, and receive guidance from an assigned coach.
Lodging and three (delicious and local) meals a day are all included, and mileage is reimbursed.
What will a team be expected to do throughout the year?
Once a final draft of the action plan is completed, teams should share their plan with key members of their school or program’s administration and any other stakeholders. Institute schools are expected to commit to implementing their Farm and Sea to School Action Plan and establishing systems to track progress throughout the year. Teams will establish regular meetings that include their coach, with the focus on assessing progress, communicating and celebrating successes, and changing course as needed. In addition, there will be quarterly role specific professional learning opportunities that allow for individuals to meet with others in similar roles across all the teams. At the end of the institute, all teams will present out on their successes and challenges through a spring webinar with other teams. Teams will also have a final opportunity to work with their coach to create an updated action plan and rubric for the following year.
What is the role of a coach?
Every team participating in the Institute has a designated coach that will be matched to them based on their geography and/or specific needs their team may have in building up their Farm and Sea to School program. Coaches are supported by the MFSN partners in order to provide the best services possible to their teams during the summer 3-day academy and throughout the year. Coaches facilitate the development of the action plan and make connections to any technical assistance a team could use as they implement their plans. Coaches keep teams informed of learning opportunities and professional development that can strengthen their practice. They can help infuse creativity into the planning and implementation process by offering insights, suggestions, and feedback regularly. Gentle reminders to celebrate successes, capture photos and stories, and market their team’s FTS efforts are encouraged. Most of all, coaches guide their team, rather than do things for them—they listen, reflect, evaluate, rethink and support the implementation of the Action Plan.
Is there a cost to participate in the Institute?
Thanks to the generous support of our funders, we are able to provide the year-long Institute programming to teams for a program commitment fee of $900. Meals, lodging, and travel reimbursement are covered for all team members to attend the Academy Program at the Ecology School. If $900 is a barrier, email Alida Peterson, Institute coordinator, at to request a scholarship.