We’re connecting and strengthening Maine’s farm to school movement.
The Maine Farm & Sea to School Network mission is to build a communication and coordination infrastructure at the school and community level to support farm to school programs throughout Maine.
Are you interested in getting involved in the Farm & Sea to School movement in Maine?
The Maine Farm & Sea to School Network (MFSN) is always recruiting new folks to get involved with network projects, including but not limited to event organizing, outreach, equity building, and strategic planning. Whether you work on on a local scale or a statewide scale, the network needs your voice to guide the movement!
2024-2027 Strategic Plan
In late 2023, Healthy Communities of the Capital Area (HCCA) convened its two statewide food system networks, Maine Farm to Institution (MEFTI) and the Maine Farm & Sea to School Network (MFSN), for strategic planning . The objective was to assess the most effective pathways forward, pinpoint priority actions, determine focus areas, and propose structural adjustments for both MFSN and MEFTI networks.
Insights were derived from extensive input from more than 130 network members, collected through surveys, in-person planning sessions with MEFTI and MFSN, as well as advisory council meetings. This comprehensive feedback informed the strategic plan to merge the two networks into one unified entity: The Maine Farm & Sea to Institution Network. The priorities that arose from the planning are now represented in the Network’s 5 workgroups.
Explore the network map and read the full strategic planning report below.

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